
Common terminology of digital multimeter

by:A-TECH      2021-03-22
Analog pointer: Just like the pointer of an analog electric meter, but without over-range, the display is updated faster. It is very convenient for maximum and zero calibration and observation of fast-changing signals. It is widely used for rapid judgment of voltage, current, resistance, and capacitance.  Data hold/trigger hold/update hold (HOLD): The data hold function allows the operator to freeze the displayed value, but the analog pointer meter does not have this function.  The trigger hold is based on the data hold, and then the HOLD key operation is performed again to display an updated measurement value. The update hold can be enabled in the setting mode (the default is trigger hold). This function automatically triggers or updates the hold value with a new measurement value, and sends out a sound reminder. Once the change of the measured value exceeds the set error range, the meter will keep the new measured value. Very suitable for difficult environments.  Dynamic recording (maximum/minimum/average value): The dynamic recording mode is used to capture the surge generated when it is turned on or off intermittently, or when you cannot read the data while operating the device, then the meter can record the data. The average reading is used to filter out unstable or changing inputs, to estimate the percentage of time to operate the circuit or to verify the performance of the circuit. Relative zero REL: The relative zero function subtracts a stored value from the current value and displays the result of the subtraction. When performing resistance measurement, due to the influence of the test probe, the displayed value is non-zero. At this time, use the relative zero function to change the current value. Show zero calibration. When measuring the DC voltage, the display is not zero due to the influence of the thermal effect. Short-circuit the test pen and use the relative function to zero the thermal effect.  1ms peak hold: This function can be used to analyze components, such as power distribution transformers and power factor correction capacitors. By using the 1ms peak hold function of ESCORT-99/98, the crest factor can be calculated. Crest factor u003d peak value/true effective value    Frequency measurement: Frequency measurement helps to check the harmonic currents present in the neutral conductor and determine whether these neutral currents are caused by unbalanced phases or nonlinear loads. ESCORT-172 frequency measurement up to 34MHz is your first choice. Harmonic ratio measurement: The harmonic ratio function is a calculated value based on the error between 0% and 100%. It is a parameter that characterizes the harmonics. The harmonic ratio of a sine wave without harmonics is 0%. A higher harmonic ratio means that there are more harmonics in the signal. This function is used for simple power quality analysis,   dBm/dBV test: dBm and dBV are often used to characterize the relative power value and relative voltage value of the signal. The calculation formula is: dBmu003d10lgP (power value/1mw). It is widely used in the fields of electrical engineering, radio, mechanics, shock vibration, mechanical power and acoustics.  Transistor DC amplification rate: As the name suggests, this function is used to test the DC amplification factor of transistors.
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